Organ Donation

In New York, any person 18 years of age or older, capable of making decisions, may donate any or all parts of their body after death to any hospital, surgeon, doctor, accredited medical school, storage facility, specific person or organ procurement organization. NewYork law prohibits organ donation for money or any other consideration.

You can choose to fill out an Organ/Tissue Donor Form or specify your wishes related to organ donation in your Health Care Proxy or Living Will. Failure to specify your wishes, however, shall not be construed to imply a wish not to donate.

Your agent is authorized to consent to organ/tissue donation, unless he or she has notice of opposition, or reason to believe that the donation is contrary to your religious or moral beliefs.

To enroll in the New York State Organ and Tissue Donor Registry, you can request that an enrollment form be mailed to you by calling 1‐800‐443‐8469. (Note, you will be enrolled automatically if you check the organ donor box on your driver’s license or non‐driver identification (ID) card application or renewal form.)

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Hire Robert Adler only if you want the best care imaginable. Adler was extremely diligent in uncovering our needs through caring and insightful conversation. He used those conversations to creatively craft and...


After interviewing 10+ attorneys, I was glad to find Mr. Adler. He is one of the few who cares and is willing to help client with his best. His in depth knowledge and prompt responses made me fortunate to have...


Robert has a way of making extremely sophisticated techniques understandable to his clients. He is a lovely man who is an absolute pleasure to do business with. I wholeheartedly give him my endorsement and...


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